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Staff Wellbeing – why companies should care about employees

Businesses can be under no doubt that there’s a strong link between wellbeing and performance.  Healthy, happy staff take fewer days off sick and perform better.

In fact, researchers have concluded that happiness makes employees around 12 per cent more productive.

Burnout, poor physical health and stress all contribute to employee absenteeism and impact productivity, but there is much that can be done to prevent this and create a healthier work environment.

Taking steps to boost wellbeing should be considered in everyone’s working life; whether it’s simply getting outside at lunchtime, drinking more water and choosing healthy snacks, or arranging a walking meeting.

ResourceBank has recently established a wellbeing policy supported by a dedicated wellbeing week and received such a positive reaction from all members of staff.

In addition to encouraging individuals to take ownership of their mental and physical health and wellbeing, businesses need to consider that a proactive wellbeing strategy can have a positive impact on their employee engagement and satisfaction levels, which in turn can have a positive impact on your Employer Value Proposition (EVP), your talent attraction strategy and ultimately give you a powerful commercial edge.

ResourceBank has worked with a number of clients to define and create an EVP and then communicate that to attract and inspire both new and existing employees.

We can help you test your EVP with existing employees and prospective candidates, then find effective ways to communicate this to cement a positive perception of your company. Developing your employer brand to align with health and wellbeing, and defining this clearly within EVP, will assist you in retaining and attracting good talent.

If you’re not sure where to begin, we can undertake a company wellbeing assessment, gathering information through employee surveys, focus groups and exit interviews, as well as feedback from former employees and job applicants. Listening to ideas for change from staff and empowering them to implement new ways of working gives a sense of ownership and makes them part of the process. And having an independent partner asking the questions frequently uncovers answers that may not have been provided to your own line managers and HR staff.

For more details on our independent wellbeing assessment service and our EVP service, please contact:

Charlotte Todd-Smith
Service Development Manager

01952 581900

Email Charlotte direct